Fund Details
Barbara Mito Reed Award - 2021
Award Amount


The purpose of this scholarship is to help outstanding graduate students of Japanese, whose native language is not Japanese, to further their studies towards a higher degree in a field of Japanese language and/or culture.

Value/Benefits: Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, at a value of $1,000.

Level of Study: Honours; Master's; Doctoral

Closing Date: 5:00 pm (NZT) 31 March (Applications open approximately 8 weeks before this date)

Tenure: One year

Number Available Annually: One. However, if in any year there are two candidates of equal merit, the award may be shared

Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: Must be enrolled in a postgraduate programme in a field of Japanese studies at the University of Canterbury or at a university in Japan. Normally, the programme will be for a BA(Hons), Master's or Doctoral degree

Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Must be a citizen of New Zealand, or hold a New Zealand residence class visa and must not be a native Japanese speaker (please see regulations for further details)

For more information, please read the regulations for this award: click

Special Eligibility Requirements:

This scholarship is open to:
  1. Graduates of the University of Canterbury enrolled, or intending to enrol, in a postgraduate programme in a field of Japanese studies at the University of Canterbury, or at a university in Japan. Normally, the programme will be for a BA(Hons), Master's or Doctoral degree.
  2. Citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand, excluding native speakers of Japanese.
Selection will be based on:
  1. academic achievement;
  2. proposed courses; and
  3. financial circumstances.

Additional Information:

The award was established in 1990 in memory of Dr Barbara Mito Reed (1955–1990), a graduate in Japanese of the University of Canterbury, by her husband, Mr T. Mito, her family and friends.

Contact Information:

For questions about this application, please contact Scholarships Office at

Search Filters:

Subject of Study
  • Japanese
    Level of Study
    • Postgraduate
    • Masters
    • Doctoral
    • Honours
      Domestic/International Students
      • Domestic
        • College of Arts
          Application Closing Month
          • March
            Award Type
            • Any
            • Scholarship