Search for Scholarships
Use the search filters to view which scholarships you may be eligible for. The more filters you enter, the narrower your search result will be. Results are matched exactly to the search filters you have entered, so if you are not getting any results, or only a limited number, please reduce the number of filters you are applying, i.e. remove any data in "Subject of Study", or try changing it to "Any (I would like a general award)" to see if you get more results.

Please refer to the table below for clarification on some of the eligibility criteria labels (search filters). This does not cover all the available labels/filters – only those where the terminology may cause confusion for some students.



Incoming First-Year (First year undergraduate)

A student coming into their first year of undergraduate study. Some scholarships may require applicants to be a current secondary school student, some may allow for a gap year, while others only require that you have UE/admission to the University, and have not previously enrolled in a degree at another tertiary institution before coming to UC, even if you finished your schooling a number of years ago

International currently studying in a New Zealand secondary school

A full-fee-paying international student who is enrolled at secondary level in Aotearoa New Zealand. This also applies where the scholarship allows for a gap year or any other circumstances outside of the standard definition, e.g. scholarships which allow for UE to have been achieved a number of years prior to application, so long as the applicant has not undertaken any tertiary-level study in the interim


A full-fee-paying international student who is completing/has completed their University Entrance/Admission qualification overseas

Pacific students

A Pacific student, per the definition on the UC website

While every effort has been made to ensure the information provided about each scholarships is current and correct, applicants are advised to check the application forms and regulations for eligibility criteria, scholarship value and tenure. Please note that the same form is typically used throughout the scholarship administration process, which means the application dates (begin accepting/deadline) may change to reflect the current stage of the process. If the displayed date of application is current, but there is no "Apply" button, please check the "Closing Date" information in the scholarship details to see if the deadline has passed. Where the deadline has passed, this means the displayed date is related to the next step of the administration process and will only be accessible to the relevant applicants.